2019 Mission Switch 使命开关复合弓
全新设计的轮组系统和全新的 Fast Fit 技术,调节范围大。符合人体工程学的弓把与超薄握把,提供舒适的手感。
弓档高度:6 7/8"
IBO 箭速:305 FPS
省 力 比 :80%
裸弓重量:3.84 LBS
The all-new Mission Switch is the most versatile platform in the Mission lineup. Featuring our completely redesigned cam system with new Fast Fit technology, the Switch is highly adjustable for maximum performance throughout a variety of draw weights and lengths. The ergonomic riser, paired with a slim grip design, provide unmatched shootability in a streamlined package. It measures 31” axle-to-axle for a stable shooting platform and a generous string angle for archers on all ends of the draw length spectrum. The new cam system is heavily inspired by our high-end, award-winning Crosscentric Cam technology, while maintaining the ability to easily adjust draw length from 18 inches all the way up to a 30” draw.